An Introduction to
Critical Race Theory
An engaging introduction to the foundations, theories, and principles that make up Critical Race Theory in the comfort of your own home.
A course for people looking to understand what Critical Race Theory is and stands for. Content is delivered using lecture, film, readings, and reflections.
Topics Covered
Race Permanence
During this session we review excerpts from some of Dr. King’s most popular writings, solidify key terms and concepts, then create a framework that further defines a Beloved Community through Dr. King’s writings. How do you create a beloved community?
CRT Introduction
During this session we watch key parts of some of Dr. King’s most popular speeches, solidify key terms and concepts, then create a framework that defines a Beloved Community through Dr. King’s spoken word. What is a Beloved Community?
Differential Racialization
In this session, the three frameworks constructed from the previous three sessions are combined to create a Beloved Community Action Framework that clarifies how you can use the Beloved Community concept to create a Beloved Community Initiative tailored to your particular community, from your position in your community.
Structural Determinism
During this session we watch Dr. King’s “Three Evils” speech, review excerpts of writings from the founders of the U.S. to identify, define, and describe the structures, institutions, and systems of the U.S. and local government perpetuating the three evils identified by Dr. King.
In this session, we map out how to get it done. The reality is, no matter how big your dreams, your capacity is still limited. However, your capacities grow exponentially when arranged in a strategic network. You learn how to go from wherever you are in your community to being able to envisioning your community as a Beloved Community, then putting that vision into action.
Whiteness as Property
In this session, we construct goals from the Beloved Community Action Framework created in Session Four and envision a world once those goals and beyond are achieved. We define in practical terms what our communities would look like as beloved communities and map the structural, institutional, and systemic changes needed to get to a Beloved Community.
Additional Concepts
In this session, we map out how to get it done. The reality is, no matter how big your dreams, your capacity is still limited. However, your capacities grow exponentially when arranged in a strategic network. You learn how to go from wherever you are in your community to being able to envisioning your community as a Beloved Community, then putting that vision into action.
Interest Convergence
In this session, we map out how to get it done. The reality is, no matter how big your dreams, your capacity is still limited. However, your capacities grow exponentially when arranged in a strategic network. You learn how to go from wherever you are in your community to being able to envisioning your community as a Beloved Community, then putting that vision into action.
CRT Conclusion
In this session, we map out how to get it done. The reality is, no matter how big your dreams, your capacity is still limited. However, your capacities grow exponentially when arranged in a strategic network. You learn how to go from wherever you are in your community to being able to envisioning your community as a Beloved Community, then putting that vision into action.
We have virtual and live courses
Leaders work in cohorts and participate in a nine-week training course consisting of:
Watching lectures and films
Reading books, book summaries, and articles
Journaling reflections
Live speeches and group interaction (live course)
Program Features
The content of this course is carefully constructed to cover multiple subjects. This course is engaging, educational, and empowering, providing you the tools to apply the content in your professional and personal lives!
Lessons and concepts delivered in multiple methods, including videos, speeches, various writings, and films. This is a well-rounded training course that you can take at your own pace.
This course ranges from as simple as watching lectures and films to as complicated as reading entire books. You make this course what you want it to be by taking in as much content as you want. One thing is for sure, there is something in this course for everybody.
The content of this course is introductory material, although some of the content and concepts are pretty complexed. CRT was created in legal education. We offer additional courses that allow you to expand your knowledge of this subject, including courses on Dr. King’s concept of a Beloved Community and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”).