"Oral sources tell us not just what people did, but what they wanted to do, what they believed they were doing and what they now think they did.” — Allesandro Portelli
Innovation from Understanding
Historical Events
Our Museum on Cultural History and Race Relations (“The CHaRR”) is looking for oral stories regarding historical events surrounding cultural history and race relations from anywhere in San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire.
Daily Living
We would like to get an image of life in the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire throughout history. Family, community life, work-life balance, recreation, local politics, economics, farming, any history you wish to share.
Key Figures
Fascinating people make fascinating history and the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire (S.G.V./I.E.) are full of fascinating history. Share stories of key people and achievements that helped define the S.G.V./I.E.
Current Research
Racial Segregation
How did the San Gabriel Valley come to be racially divided and defined as it is? There have been drastic shifts in population demographics over the last 50-70 years. What historical events played a role? What were the everyday experiences of people living during these transitions?
Key Minority Figures
Who are the key minority figures that helped define the cultures of the diverse neighborhood’s throughout San Gabriel Valley and the Inland Empire? How did they come to settle in the area? What were their habits? What impact did they make and how did they make it?

Where are the Kizh/Tongva?
Has California turned its back on our native peoples? Why is the history of the Kizh/Tongva not widespread knowledge for Southern Californians? What should we know about the history of this great indigenous nation?