Race Permanence

Race Permanence is the idea that racism is a inherent part of the American identity. It is not aberrational, it is not a coincidence, or isolated bad acts, but an engrained part of the culture, psyche, and constructs that dictate the way of life in the U.S.

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Define "race permanence"

  • Describe the intersection between race, sex, and class

  • Explain how the law has been used to forward racial, sexual, and class discrimination

  • Describe the racial contract and its social impact

  • Describe the sexual contract and its social impact

  • Describe the classist contract and its social impact

Watch Lecture

Watch the content lecture below. The purpose of the lecture is to tie in all of the session’s content and to align the content with the session’s learning objectives.

Review Content

There are multiple ways to access the information for this session. There are films, writings, and reflection questions. You get out of this course what you put into it.

Complete Reflections

These course sessions are tailored to your time and effort capacity. Completing the reflections based on whatever information you are able to access is important.

Content Lecture

Watch this lecture from “the Professor,” Dr. Thomas D. Allison, Esq., on the theory of Race Permanence. Dr. Allison is a professor, an attorney in five states, a nonprofit executive, and has a doctorate in public administration.

Suggested Text: Faces At The Bottom Of The Well: The Permanence Of Racism, by Derrick Bell


This incredible film is a perfect example of Derrick Bell’s theory of Race Permanence. While racism looks like it has been improved, it has only adapted with the times. Watch this film and answer the provided reflection questions.

Session Reflection Questions

In a journal, write a reflection of what you have learned from this material, covering at least the following elements:

  • Define "race permanence"

  • Describe the intersection between race, sex, and class

  • Explain how the law has been used to forward racial discrimination

  • Describe the racial contract and its social impact

  • Explain what you have learned and how it makes you feel


CRT Introduction


Structural Determinism