Introduction to
Unifying the mind, body, and spirit
Take a minute to understand how everything is connected
There is a current disconnect in our health care industry. The disconnect revolves around our disease-forward focus to health intervention. Rather than taking a comprehensively, holistic approach to health care, we treat the symptoms of and the diseases themselves in segments. The body functions as an organization of interconnected systems. No system works in a vacuum, instead, they all work together to achieve a balance called stasis. Our approach to health care should mimic this organization, instead we find ourselves over-specialized, operating health in silos.
The World Health Organization defines wellness: “a complete state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In order to accomplish wellness, we must go beyond mere physical health and diet & nutrition, but must take a holistic approach. Wellness practices for mind, body, and spirit connection include: meditation, affirmations, prayer, studying, and more! Get wellness techniques and principles of how you can connect mind, body, and spirit, on Wednesdays for Wellness Wednesdays and follow us on social media.
Basic Suggestions for Basic Wellness
Explore, assess, and resolve past experiences with trauma.
Set the stage for success; clear the: (1) refrigerator, (2) the social calendar, and (3) temptations and distractions.
Acquire the tools: food, gym membership/equipment, workout clothes and shoes, scale, etc.
Practice/listen to affirmations before, during, and after bed.
Get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity per week.
Eat whole food, plant-based, but allow yourself flexibility.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Drink 3.7 liters of water per day (or whatever amount is appropriate for your size).
Pray/meditate throughout the day.
Research/study something new every day.
Shower everyday (especially cold water).
Express gratitude constantly.
Be kind.
Get outside and establish, explore, and enforce new and old relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and strangers.
Always remember you are worthy and needed as your authentic self.
You do not owe anyone anything more or less than your true happiness.