First Year of Rotary District’s D.E.I. Committee Complete

2022-2023 Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, made a goal for all Rotary Districts to establish diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) committees. Rotary District 5300 Governor, Roger Gutierrez, appointed SJAP President to chair the inaugural DEI Committee for District 5300. June 30, 2023 marks the end of the first year of the DEI Committee.

In its first year, the District 5300 DEI Committee (DEI5300) accomplished the following:

  1. A website,

  2. Newsletter,

  3. DEI Annual Conference,

  4. Speech at the annual District Conference,

  5. 25+ Club Visits,

  6. 12+ Club DEI Presentations, and

  7. Established 2023-2024 Strategic Plan and S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

Thomas was re-appointed by District 5300 Governor, Michael Soden, to continue the post of chair of the DEI5300 for 2023-2024. DEI5300 will look to accomplish the following, among other things, this coming year:

  1. Every club has a DEI ambassador,

  2. DEI segment in all district-wide trainings,

  3. DEI involved in all district-wide conferences,

  4. DEI presentation at all district clubs,

  5. DEI best practices distributed to all clubs, and

  6. DEI conference.


SJAP President Successfully Defends Dissertation


Three-Year Term on Diversity Committee Complete